
LaborSim to train delivery room medical staff: interview with Dr. Carbone

Intrapartum echography is a highly recommended procedure in labor monitoring because it allows evaluation of head position more objectively whenever the operator is uncertain in his clinical assessment. The gynecologist will thus be able to better manage labor, especially the somewhat more complicated cases. Dr. Ilma Floriana Carbone - Medical Director of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Policlinico Mangiagalli in Milan,...

Category: News, Testimonials

SensUS successfully passes the test conducted by the Maternal Infant Integrated Care Department (DAI) of Naples with full marks

According to the Director of the Obstetrics-Gynaecology Department, Prof. Nicola Colacurci, the device is “useful as support in the clinical management of labour, especially for less experienced colleagues and in uncertain conditions. The parturients also showed great interest in the device” The SensUS Touch ultrasound device was handed over for a two-week trial period to the Obstetrics-Gynaecology Department of the...

Category: News, Testimonials
Giuseppe Di Giuseppe

Engineer Giuseppe di Giuseppe, President of the Italian Society of Telemedicine (Sec. Apulia)

We are now conducting experimental work in Foggia along with SensUS Lung. A hundred patients and fifteen general practice doctors are involved, in collaboration with their scientific society SIGM.

Category: News, Testimonials

Doc. Claudio Lopriore – General Director of Cardio on line Europe S.r.l.

We must not let our guard down during the post-Covid phase since it continues to be an extreme danger. Because of this, we are including SensUS Lung in our telemedicine and telemonitoring network.

Category: News, Testimonials

Prof. Andrea Dall’Asta, associate professor of Gynecology and Obstetrics at the University of Parma

SensUS Touch makes it possible to track the fetus’ head position along the birth canal and to quickly and automatically execute objective measurements of the development, providing crucial information to the gynaecologists to take action should the need arise

Category: News, Testimonials

Prof. Paraskevi Katsaounou, Associate Professor of Respiratory Medicine Pulmonary Dept First ICU, Evangelism’s Hospital in Athens, Greece

SensUS Lung is a portable medical device that allowed us to visit patients who couldn’t move to Athens or needed immediate treatment. Thanks to SensUS Lung, a device based on artificial intelligence,  we were able to help a lot of them and so I think it needs to continue to be used

Category: News, Testimonials
Sebastiano Cicco

Sebastiano Cicco, Medical Director specializing in Internal Medicine at the Policlinico Hospital in Bari

In case of a cardiological disfunction, upstream, in the lungs, fluid accumulates: this could lead to a typical ultrasound finding, considering* the so called “wet lung disease”. The combination of the cardiological and pulmonary evaluations, made objectively and independently from the operator, allows us to have all the correct information on the severity of the condition.

Category: News, Testimonials
Angelo Vacca

Angelo Vacca, Professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Bari and Director of the Unit of Internal Medicine

SensUS Lung had demonstrated important potential for the diagnosis of pneumonia, including the one caused by Covid 19, and will be used in both pulmonology and cardiology to diagnose pericardial effusions.

Category: News, Testimonials
Stella d'Arpe

Stella d’Arpe, Medical Director of Gynaecology and Obstetrics at the Vito Fazzi Hospital in Lecce

We have a very positive experience in our delivery room with SensUS Touch: we are lucky because we have a state-of-the-art device that allows doctors and midwives to get a quick objective analysis, through scans lasting just a few seconds, of the progress of labour and the progression of the fetus along the birth canal. This is extremely helpful...

Category: News, Testimonials